6 kids
195 posts
140 book reviews
20 author interviews
178 books highlighted
177 authors & illustrators highlighted
520 pieces of fan art created (wow!)
Check it all out! Here are links to every Bookie Woogie review:

Bookie Woogie's posts have prompted 120 unsolicited responses from the authors and illustrators whose books the Z-Kids reviewed. Sometimes these creators sent an email, sometimes they left comments on a post, sometimes they posted thoughts on their own blogs or social media. Here's a small, small sampling of what the creators of great children's books have said about Bookie Woogie:
"Check out my favorite review of Rapuzel's Revenge on Bookie Woogie. An utter delight. The icing is the kids do a piece of art, which you can see at the end. Isaac blows me away, Gracie is hysterical, and Lily is so observant. I'd adopt them all if they didn't obviously already have a great dad.
This is such a great way to combine reading, art, and action with kids in the home."
- Newbery winning author Shannon Hale
"Rapunzel's Revenge" review
"Please drop everything that you are doing right now and go to Bookie Woogie and read it. It might possibly put a smile on your face. But it won't be as big as the smile on mine. Trust me.
What I love about their review is that I FEEL like I was perched there on the couch with them, this creative, funny family all cozied up reading my book. It's what makes being an author so awesome -- the idea that people, somewhere, are enjoying something I created.
And not just reading it either. They discuss the book. They examine the book. They talk about how it might have been created, how it affects them, what the book is trying to say. Gracie, Lily, and Isaac are going to grow up to be book-lovers. And one of them just might become an author too. Or an artist!! They include ART in their review! Fantastic."
- Author Boni Ashburn
"Hush Little Dragon" review
"Thank you, thank you, for your brilliant, delightful and astute discussion/review of my book. It's the best one I've ever gotten. Yay for Bookie Woogie!"
- Caldecott winning illustrator Mordicai Gerstein
"How to Paint the Portrait of a Bird" review
have to tell you that your review of "Scribble" is my favorite, EVER. I
am a fan of your blog anyway, so it was such a fun surprise yesterday
to see my own book there!"
-Author/Illustrator Deborah Freedman
"Scribble" review
"Probably one of the best book review sites I've seen! Great comments and awesome drawings. You guys know how to read a book in the full sense of the word."
- Astrid Lindgren winning author/illustrator Shaun Tan
"The Arrival" review
"My favourite review that I have ever received! It made me laugh all the way through, and the drawings are so much fun.
It's such a brilliant way of getting the essence of a book across, really brings it to life. Well done all of you - what a great team - what fun!"
- Illustrator Polly Dunbar
"Down the Back of the Chair" review
"Several different people have mentioned to me that they'd read your family blog about my book and liked it. So I just wanted to say again how much I appreciate how involved in my donutbook you and your family became and how delightfully you expressed it in your blog."
- Author/Illustrator Mark Alan Stamaty
"Who Needs Donuts" review
"I was honored and thrilled by your words. Wow... thank you. I see that you all take this very seriously without losing any of the joy that books bring. It's wonderful that you guys sit down and look really closely. We authors and illustrators live for audiences like you.
One spends all his time in a room trying to make a book that others will want to see, but you never really know what will happen once it goes out into the world. I'm moved and humbled that my book drew you in and had a positive influence. Thank you. Stories like yours make what I do even better than I could ever imagine.
I look forward to reading all your discussions and know I will learn much about books by my friends (authors and illustrators) and many other books that I've loved for years. But I most look forward to being delighted by your smart and thoughtful take on children's books you have loved. I can't wait."
- Caldecott winning author/illustrator Eric Rohmann
"The Cinder-Eyed Cats" review
"What an honor it is to have been Bookie Woogied. My most cherished review! Thanks so much."
- Illustrator Paul Schmid
"The Wonder Book" review
"It was such a lovely post, it made me want to cry (in a good way)."
- Illustrator Renata Liwska
"The Quiet Book" review
"I just read the post and I swear, I laughed out loud! It is truly, TRUUUUUUULY my FAVORITE interview by leaps and bounds that anyone has EVER done! WOW WOW WOW!!! This is just the coolest blog."
- Author/Illustrator Laurie Keller
"Birdie's Smile Book" interview
"I believe all of you are the most wonderful readers of my books. I’ve never met readers like you who could read my ideas perfectly and find every detail I made. Moreover, you can read in your own creative way. Your family encourages me a lot, and even your comments give me inspiration. And most of all your drawings are wonderful. I am so moved."
- Author/Illustrator Suzy Lee
"Shadow" review
"I think my heart's about to burst!"
- Illustrator Julia Denos
"Dotty" review
"Bookie Woogie remains my favorite book reviewer. A wonderful model for parents about how to talk to their kids about books and extend the learning"
- Newbery winning author Shannon Hale
"Princess Academy" review
- Author Esme Codell
"Fairly Fairy Tales" review
"Honestly, when I saw this I was speechless. I am completely wowed by the Bookie Woogie Bloggers' creation! Not only are the shadow puppets so beautifully done, the pacing, script, and music is great, too. This is the perfect movie to show students before and after they read the book."
- Newbery honor author Grace Lin
"I can't tell you how much your review meant to me. Your kids' drawings and conversation has been my favorite part of being a children's illustrator to date."
- Illustrator Mike Lowery
"Ribbit, Rabbit" review
"Getting kid art by the Bookie Woogie kids is the fan art equivalent of making the cover of Rolling Stone."
- Author/Illustrator Jarrett Krosoczka
"Ollie the Purple Elephant" interview
"I was having a rough week... lots of little things going wrong. My rule is: mope for 5 minutes, then sketch something. First, for some mysterious reason, I googled "This is the Stable > reviews." And there you all were!
This is without a doubt, the most exciting, endearing, and astonishingly cheerful thing that's twirled my way in many moons. The more I read their comments, the more I smiled. Thank you for reading my little book with your fine crew.
- Illustrator Delana Bettoli
"This is the Stable" review
"Best. Review. Ever. There is nothing quite like the feeling of clicking to one of your favorite book blogs and discovering your own book is the day’s entry. I’m thrilled. And that art! ASTOUNDING."
- Author Melissa Wiley
"The Prairie Thief" review
"A lot of people depend on your blog for comfort every day."
- Author/Illustrator Adam Rex
"Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich" interview
"Oh me, oh my, this is without a doubt the BEST review I have received. And I include those professional doofuses when I say that. Everything after this point will be downhill."
- Author Betsy Bird
"Giant Dance Party" review
"I am not exaggerating when I type a tear is in my eye. I have been Zenzed.
'Louise' is on Bookie Woogie, a blog from a family I have never met in person but have known online for over seven years. Aaron Zenz you inspire and now your kids do as well. Thanks for this gift. I am so touched that your amazingly creative family likes my book."
- Author/Illustrator Kelly Light
"Lousie Loves Art" review
"Your blog has been instrumental for me. For a lot of the accolades I’ve received, I owe a huge thanks to you guys."
- Caldecott winning author/illustrator Dan Santat