Lily (age 8): "Ribbit Rabbit."
Isaac (age 12): By Candace Ryan. Illustrated by Mike Lowery.
Gracie (age 10): I love the way he did those pictures.
Lily: They kind of look like kid drawings.
Gracie: They do.
Lily: But they look like awesome kid drawings.
Gracie: It's not just a scribble.
Isaac: I've tried drawing like that before. It's not as easy as it looks.
Lily: The characters are cuties.
Gracie: They are SO cute!
Isaac: It's about this frog and this rabbit.
Gracie: And Pillowcase Man. He's awesome. I love that Pillowcase Man. It only shows him in two pictures. But he's awesome. The frog and the rabbit were making monsters while they played. Pillowcase Man is just a blue pillow that they scribbled eyes, a mouth, and teeth on. But he's awesome.
Dad: So... Frog or Bunny? Did you have a favorite? Ribbit or Rabbit?
Gracie: Rabbit.
Lily: Ribbit.
Isaac: Ribbit. Rabbit!
Gracie: Rabbit.
Lily: Ribbit. Ribbit.
Gracie: RABBIT!
Dad: Alright, alright... Zip it!
Gracie: Zap it!
Lily: Zip it! Zap it!
Isaac: ZAP IT!
Dad: Shhhh.... This is going to be the dumbest review ever...
Gracie: Ha hah haa...
Dad: But is it fun to talk like that?
Kids: YEAH!
Dad: So, can you tell what is going on with the word choices in this book? "Ribbit" and "Rabbit." What is different between those two words?
Gracie: One vowel sound.
Dad: How about "Trip it" and "Trap it"?
Gracie: The vowel. The author changes one vowel sound in the words.
Dad: Can you make your own?
Gracie: Wop it. Wap it.
Isaac: Wap it. Whoop it.
Gracie: Coop it. Keep it. Slip it. Slap it. Lily. Lolly. Shilly. Sholly. Gilly. Golly.
Dad: Gracie's on a roll. Can we do the whole review like this?
Gracie: Sure.
Dad: (pointing at the book) Lookit.
Gracie: (pointing at herself) Like it!
Dad: How about this one... (pointing at Candace Ryan's name) Wrote it.
Gracie: (pointing at herself again) Read it.
Dad: How did you like the book, Lily?
Lily: Loved it. Laughed it.
Dad: Good one! So the word play in the book is fun. The pictures are fun.
Gracie: They are so cute!
Dad: Is there a storyline to the book?
Isaac: The frog and the rabbit are best friends and they do all kinds of stuff together.
Gracie: They should have another adventure with Pillowcase Man.
Isaac: Then this robot they are playing with accidentally breaks. And the frog and the rabbit each grab one part.
Gracie: They are being selfish. Dad... you picked this book out for us on purpose.
Dad: Ha ha! I didn't even notice that plot when I picked it! I was attracted to the art and the wordplay. Honestly, I looked at this book three or four times before I even realized there was a lesson inside. What is the lesson?
Gracie: Share.
Isaac: Don't be selfish.
Gracie: I still think you picked this book out on purpose. Now Dad's going to make us be good.
Dad: Encouragement can never hurt.
Gracie: We try to be good. Trust me. I try and try and try, and it never works.
Dad: Hang in there.
Gracie: I took a personality quiz, and these were the exact words. It said, "You should be a little more patient. You usually think about yourself, and you like to be the center of attention most of the time."
Dad: Ha ha... Hmmmm, that doesn't sound like you at all.
Gracie: Yeah it does!
Dad: But what did Frog and Bunny learn?
Gracie: Things work better when you work together.
Dad: Just like the author and illustrator had to work together to make this book.
Isaac: Candace Ryan, are you the bunny or the frog?
Author: Candace Ryan
Illustrator: Mike Lowery
Published, 2011: Walker
Like it? Here it is
Thanks for my starting my Monday with a smile. My oldest (when he was 2) used to tell me that bunnies said, "rabbit, rabbit". So, this title intrigued me.
Awesome review as always!
I love that Gracie accused you of manipulating them via the plot.
And I always love the pictures best. Keep drawing, kids.
I love your reviews, they always make me smile. Your kids are awesome. Oh and the book sounds cute too!
We had this book from our library a few weeks back, and my kids enjoyed playing with the word sounds, too!
As always, I'm amazed at your children's artistic renderings!!
-Dawn, 5 Minutes for Books
I really like this book, especially the art! But one thing I discovered today that I like even more is this blog. Every writer has a reader that's the reader they write for--you four might not know this yet, but I am that reader for you. (I mean that in a wholly friendly and not at all spooky way.) I love kids talking about books. And I love kid-art. Thank you for putting it all in one happy place for me!
All your reviews make for great reading. In this one, I must say I especially loved when Gracie says: It's not just a scribble.
and Isaac replies: I've tried drawing like that before. It's not as easy as it looks.
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