Lily (age 8): Well, it's called "Clementine."
Dad: Do you remember who the author is?
Lily: It is written by Sara Pennypacker. And pictures by Marla Frazee. The book is hilarious.
Dad: What kind of girl is Clementine?
Lily: She is a wild idea'ed person. She's creative. She's crazy. She's a trouble maker. And she memorizes shoes. They live in the basement, so out the window they see all the feet. And Clementine memorized every shoe of every person.
Dad: Tell me about some of her wild ideas.
Lily: I will tell you a few funny things. And naughty things.
Dad: Naughty?
Lily: Naughty. She tries to do good things -- to help people and to make them feel better. But sometimes the things she does turn out to be bad.
Dad: Gottcha.
Lily: Yeah. So, Clementine was doing art class with her friend. I don't remember her name - it is hard to remember. Margaret. Margaret got some glue in her hair.
Dad: Hmmm.
Lily: I don't know how she got glue on the top of her head. But sometimes I don't even know how I get frosting on my forehead... so...
Dad: Things just happen sometimes. You are messy too, huh?
Lily: Margaret tired to cut the glue off. But she cut some of her hair instead. Then Margaret decided she wanted short hair like Clementine, so Clementine started cutting her hair for her. She cut Margaret's hair... her beautiful hair. Then the principle came in and saw them.
Dad: Uh-oh.
Lily: So she got in trouble. Really big trouble. Then they went to Clementine's house. And they got out markers, and they colored Margaret's hair orange. She wanted hair like Clementine. They wanted to match.
Dad: This is the same friend?
Lily: Yes.
Dad: Oh dear. I'm surprised their parents still let them play together.
Lily: So the next thing -- Clementine cut her own hair. Margaret had been sad, so Clementine cut her own hair to make her feel better. It was already short, but she cut her hair even shorter. Then Clementine told Margaret that she could color her hair any color she wanted.
Dad: Why?
Lily: Because Clementine had colored Margaret's orange. So Margaret colored Clementine's hair. Bright green!
Dad: Do any of your friends remind you of Clementine?
Lily: Hmmm. No.
Dad: Who does remind you of Clementine?
Lily: Me.
Dad: I know!
Lily: Tee hee hee!
Dad: The way you are describing her sounds exactly like the kind of trouble you've gotten into in the past.
Lily: When I was three I cut my hair.
Dad: Yep. You were hiding behind the chair in the living room, cutting your hair, and stuffing it into Mom's shoe.
Lily: Hah ha ha! Yeah. I even cut my bangs too.
Dad: Right down to the nub.
Lily: It was NOT a good haircut. I couldn't reach the back, so there was a strip of hair in the back that was long. So it went around -- short, short, short, long. But actually my hair was even. Except for the long part.
Dad: Yeah, evenly too-short everywhere!
Lily: Okay... Now I'm moving to another thing. Let's stop talking about this!
Dad: Instead of talking about naughty Lily, you want to go back to talking about naughty Clementine again?
Lily: Yeah.
Dad: Well, tell me about illustrations in the book.
Lily: They are black and white and really good. They are detailed and cartoony at the same time, which I really like. The pictures helped the story a lot. I want to show you a funny part... (starts flipping through the book)
Dad: Oh dear. I just saw a picture of her short hair. That is very short isn't it.
Lily: I know. (Flipping, flipping) That picture.
Dad: So that's your favorite?
Lily: Yeah. She's yelling, and one eye is smaller and one eye is bigger. It's my favorite because of her expression.
Dad: So why do you think it's fun to read about Clementine's troubles?
Lily: It would be kind of boring to read about a good girl just walking around her house. But it is cool and funny to read about a mischief maker. You can learn about all the things you shouldn't do.
Dad: And who would like a book like this?
Lily: Eight year olds. Like me. And people who have good imaginations.
Dad: Thanks for telling me about your book, Lily!
Lily: You are welcome.
Author: Sara Pennypacker
Illustrator: Marla Frazee
Published , 2006: Hyperion
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I saw your article in The Grand Rapids Press yesterday and I just love what you all are doing! I love to read to my 7 month old daughter, and have started a book collection for her that will grow exponentially once garage sale season starts. Thank you for sharing your inspiring story, and for your funny, helpful reviews! Best wishes to you all!
I just read about your blog in the Grand Rapids Press and decided to check it out! I will definitely be adding your blog to my Google Reader page. I'm a K-12 librarian at a school about 1 hour northeast of Grand Rapids so I love to hear what books other people like. Love your review of Clementine -- I'm actually reading "The Talented Clementine" (Pennypacker) to my 3rd grade students right now when they come to library. Keep up the great work!
I LOVE Clementine. Hope Lily reads the others in the series and I'm glad she liked her!
Clementine has a very adventurous, artistic sounding name. And, it sounds like she lives up to her name! We'll put this on our list of to-be-read soon.
Thanks for the wonderful review, Lily! I will definitely check "Clementine" out from our library. It sounds like a fun read, and one my girls would enjoy!
I love Lily's art! We've listened to Clemintine on book tape (cd?) and enjoyed it very much.
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