Gracie (age 8): It says "Bookie Woogie" on it!
Dad: What do you think it is?
Gracie: A book!
(opening package)
Gracie: It's "I Spy!"
Dad: Elijah's favorite kind of book.
Gracie: "I Spy A to Z!"
Elijah (age 3): Read it to us! Read it to us!
Dad: Right this second?
Elijah: Yeah!
Dad: I was only going to open the package... Let me check with Mom to see if we have time to do this right now...
Lily (age 6): We're reviewing this!
Isaac (age 10): Can I see it? I haven't gotten to hold it yet.
Dad: We love "I Spy." We have three of the other "I Spy" books already. Plus we also have an "I Spy" board book.
Gracie: And I have an "I Spy" memory game that I got for Christmas.
Dad: But we can't assume everyone else out there knows what "I Spy" books are. If someone's never seen one, how would you describe them?
Isaac: People take photographs of all these things -- toys and screws and bolts -- all kinds of bits and ends and things.
Gracie: Real toys -- a lot -- tons of different toys and shelves and boxes all over the place.
Isaac: Then they say: "Find a ball" or "Find a cow."
Lily: Then you find them in the pictures.
Gracie: They're really good for younger kids. Especially Elijah. He loves "Finding Books."
Dad: Yep, that's what he calls them. "Finding Books."
Elijah: Me. Yeah.
Dad: So Buddy, are you going to review it with us?
Elijah: Yeah. But is it a Finding Book?
Dad: It is!
Elijah: A BIG Finding Book!
Gracie: The cover is so sparkly...
Elijah: There is a "J" that has a bead on the bottom...
Dad: Yeah - you know some of your letters already. This is a great book for you!
Elijah: Read it now. Read it now.
Dad: Why is this book called "A to Z"?
Gracie: Because the letters go in order.
Isaac: Like on these first pages, you find things that have A's.
Elijah: Find them now.
(reading begins)
Isaac: You know what they did? They cut half of this page off. This used to be a big page in a different "I Spy" book, and they cut it down to a little square.
Dad: So are these all pictures from other "I Spy" books?
Isaac: Yeah.
Dad: But that's cool, because it makes this book huge! Look at how many pages there are!
Isaac: See this picture here? That one used to be a much bigger picture in a different book.
Dad: It's kind of like a "best of." And even though they are reusing pictures, I bet they have you finding different things this time.
(reading continues)
Dad: How do you think they do the pictures where it looks like all the toys are flying through the air?
Lily: On strings maybe?
Isaac: On the computer? I have no clue.
Gracie: Maybe they put everything on a trampoline.
Dad: And then jumped on it?
Isaac: It wouldn't come out that perfect.
Dad: And if they did it on the computer, they'd have to add all the shadows that the objects cast on each other.
Isaac: Well, do you have any ideas?
Dad: I don't have any idea.
Gracie: A glass blower trapped them in glass.
Isaac: If the person who makes the "I Spy" books is reading this, could you tell us how you make things look like they are floating in the air?
(reading concludes)
Dad: Did you like that book?
Elijah: Yeah! I like the letters that we found.
Dad: Did you like the easy ones that you could find fast, or the tricky ones you had to hunt for?
Elijah: Hunting!
Gracie: I like the parts where it's super hard and everyone is looking and looking...
Lily: This book was long and fun.
Gracie: And there's an awesome Spanish corn dude on one page! I want a Spanish corn dude!
Lily: All the pictures look really cool.
Gracie: Especially the picture with the sweet Spanish corn dude. He was so stinkin' awesome!
Dad: Now this "I Spy" is different from the others. There are little pictures along with the text that show you what you are looking for. That's a new addition.
Gracie: It's a good thing they did that. I like it a lot. Now kids that can't read can enjoy this book too.
Dad: Which is especially good since it's an Alphabet Book. Who's more likely to need an alphabet book? Someone who can't read yet.
Isaac: I know. I loved these books when I was little too, but I couldn't read.
Gracie: I like how they make the pictures. They just put a whole bunch of stuff together. They find a whole bunch of toys and build a set.
Isaac: There's a game my friends and I play. We each get an "I Spy" book, and then we look for the hardest thing on the page. Then you say "Look for, like, a green car." Then the other person says, "Look for a... zebra."
Dad: So then you switch books and say "go"?
Gracie: Yep, and the first one to find it wins.
Dad: That's fun! You guys are clever!
Isaac: What are we going to do for our pictures at the end of this review?
Dad: Maybe you guys could all work to build a scene, and Isaac can take a picture of it. He's good at taking pictures. You've never done a collaboration for Bookie Woogie before.
Gracie: What in the dickens is a "collaboration"?
Lily: It's where everybody does something together.
Dad: Did you know that word, Lily? Or did you just figure it out from the context?
Long silent pause...
Dad (in mock-Lily voice): What in the dickens is a "context?"
Laughter by all
Here's a picture hunt the kids made for you all:

And a close up detail:
I spy an Alligator, a Ballerina (who lost her bun),
the Captain of a ship, and a tiny green Dude with a gun.
I Spy A to Z
the Captain of a ship, and a tiny green Dude with a gun.
Riddles by: Jean Marzollo
Photographs: Walter Wick <– secrets revealed!
Published, June 2009: Scholastic
Like it? Find it
Now comes some more fun! Giveaway time!! Scholastic has provided a generous giveaway with five lucky winners!!!
Four winners will receive a copy of this new book, "I SPY A to Z:
A Book of Picture Riddles."
And one Grand Prize Winner will receive a Grand Prize Pack including:
• "I SPY A to Z: A Book of Picture Riddles"That pack is worth over $85!
• "I SPY Treasure Hunt"
• Board Game "I SPY Memory Game"
• Wii Video Game "Ultimate I SPY"
So to enter, simply leave a comment on this post. And for those of you who have been visiting Bookie Woogie for a while - or for new visitors who want to peek at the archives - you can multiply your chances: in your comment if you let us know which Bookie Woogie review has been your favorite so far, you'll get extra entry points.
(Also, be sure your comment has a way for us to contact you when it's time to pick the random winners)
Contest runs until July 4th. Good luck! Spread the word!
I happened upon your site from Planet Esme and LOVE it. I read it to my children (ages almost 7 and 4). We very much admire your creative artwork too.
So far, my favorite and most helpful review has been...Belinda Begins Ballet! You introduced us to this wonderfully adorable series and my daughter loves them. Thank you!
My sister kept raving about this site and I had to see what all the fuss was about. I loved ya'lls review last week about Scribbles. It's a book I definitely want to get!
Oh how fun! Lily, you're so very literary, bringing Dickens into it all. :) My favorite Bookie Woogie review has got to be Little Panda by Renata Lewska. I love the part where Grace calls him a little panda ball of glory! Keep up the good work, guys!
That is indeed a generous giveaway and I love the I Spy puzzle that you created yourselves! What a great idea! (Logging idea away for future use.)
As for my favorite posts - well, I think if I had to settle I'd go with Little Hoot and Little Pea because that review drove me to the books myself and I now absolutely love them for myself. (So thanks again!)
I spy a very fun blog! Love the artwork, too.
My favorite review so far was about Mo Willems' Elephant and Piggie books. When Gracie and Isaac read, "I will save you!" "LUNCHTIME!" and then laugh hysterically, I do, too. Ha ha ha ha ha!
We're big 'I Spy' fans at our house, too.
My favorite Bookie Woogie is your review of 'Rapunzel's Revenge', since I linked here from Shannon Hale's blog and have enjoyed reading it ever since. Keep up the great work!
Your family has such good taste in books! I really enjoyed your review of Pssst! because I think Adam Rex's books are brilliant and I'm glad that you kids get the visuals jokes too!
Nice to see so many folks interested already and thanks for all the great feedback!
One note of update -- if we can find your contact email by clicking the link to your site, you're just peachy fine. If not, please leave us a contact email address along with your comment so we can reach the winners...
(I've gone back and added this to the post as well...)
Thanks everyone! Happy reading!
I guess I never really thought about the behind the scenes of I Spy. But thanks to you I now know the secrets behind the objects that appear to float for I Spy Fantasy! I Spy books keep the kids occupied for long periods. Every time we read one, we see something new it seems. Thanks for the giveaway.
Pambelina's sister's husband here. yeah, she's spreading the word. My favorite thus far has been Baby Mouse. I have hopes of teaching a class on comics in the future and plan on spending a little time talking about those books.
My kids would love it if we won.
p.s. if I win, just randomly post on one of my blog posts and we can go from there (does that work?)
I love that this review is labeled "Mailman's pick".
I am Pambelina's sister and I have been hounding her for months to read up. We do love Baby Mouse. (Thank you for your answers to my questions and comments at that point.) Your blog has given us many great new books to read.
I enjoyed the review of "Inkheart". It was fun to see the different reactions and then have a link to the movie review. Too bad you couldn't do the same thing with "Holes".
Just post a comment on my blog if I win and we will be in touch.
July 4th? Thats going to get a lot of comments! Interesting conflict here - I want this blog to be read by a lot of people, because I like it so and keep telling folks about it, but I don't want a lot of comments so I can win all the giveaways! Sigh, what some people wouldn't do for a free book!
Anyway, favourite? That is really really hard to pick so I will choose the 8th December 2008 one - for introducing me to Viviane Schwarz, whose blog also I follow now. Just a random reason to choose as you can see!
I love "finding books" too! My kids and I will sit and sit looking for all the hidden objects. Great review!
My favorite review so far is the review of Inkheart, because of the awesome pictures the kids did. I love the one of the shadow monster.
I do NOT want to be entered in the contest, even though the prize sounds great for kids, but I did want to chime in with my favorite EVER Z-Kids blog. It isn't exactly a Bookie Woogie blog, anyway. It's the movie review of Inkheart! I LOVE it!!!
This is now one of my favorite blogs (and I just put you on my blog roll). I think my favorite review was #5: Wave. We'll be getting this book tomorrow so that we can look at it before our trip to the beach next week.
Also, I have a recommendation for two chapter books I think Lily, Gracie, and Issac might enjoy. You might already know of them. The fisrt is called Half Magic by Edward Eager, and it's the first in a series. The second is called Ginger Pye by Eleanor Estes.
If you do look in to these, I hope you enjoy them! :)
My son Preston would love to get these books. Thanks for sharing
I think my daughter would love this game. Thanks!
we love ispy thanks
My family loves I Spy.
What a fun review (as always). I love Issac's game. What a great idea!
I also reviewed this book, and would say to take me out of the contest, but honestly -- it would be a great gift, and I would LOVE to be the grand prize winner, because that Wii game looks awesome. It has great reviews.
My son would enjoy this very much!
I love your review on these I Spy books. Your kids sound like they were so excited.
We love the I Spy items too. This is such a wonderful prize.
Came to your site from a link on Adam Rex's blog! Your review of Pssst! is still my favorite.
I love that we got a chance to see the ballerina with the missing bun!
My kids love anything I-Spy related!
We are such huge fans of I Spy at our house we would LOVE this!
ajcmeyer AT go DOT com
My son loves I Spy books. Thanks for the giveaway.
I've been in the dark about all the wonderful I Spy books and games. My grandchildren have finally reached the age where they would love some I Spy items. Thanks for the great giveaway opportunity!
We love I SPy
This is great --- I don't think you ever outgrow I spy.
Enjoyed your review & thanks for the opportunity 2 win this great giveaway
Great give away; my son would love those. I always enjoy your reviews. It's hard to pick a favorite, but I was really impressed by the kids' poems that went along with your review of Mommy Poems.
We love I Spy- how cool that there is a Wii game! Didn't know that. My son will be thrilled to find out!
My favorite post here is from 3/19- you led me to Just One More Book. Thanks!
This is a great prize for the kids while they are out of school this summer. I liked the Rapunzel's Revenge review.
Well, that's nice!
I haven't met the I Spy books, they must be a lot of fun.
My favourite review [and I have enjoyed them all] is Adam Raccoon at Forever Falls, because the pictures you did make me laugh.
My kids love getting these at the library. Getting their own would be even better.
As a family, I think we wold really enjoy the Wii game of I Spy
Really nice review--if I don't win I think I will have to go out and buy the I Spy book for my grandson---as to my favorite review--this was my first but not last visit--so far I think I am most intrigued by Inkheart
I've been an I Spy fan for a long time. I'd love this for my nephew. Thanks so much for the chance.
This Wii game would be a welcome change of pace from all of the sports games
I would enjoy this as much as Liz and Trisan would.
would love to win this for my granddaughter..she will really enjoy it..,.thanks for the great giveaway
My kids love I Spy, this would be so fun! Thanks for the contest!
I would love to win this. My 3 kids would love this.
Thank you for the chance
I love these books!
Thanks so much. We love I Spy. I like your review of Inkheart.
this would be great for my grandkids
Thanks for the giveaway!
lilacbutterfly [at]
I'm always looking for something new to do with our granddaughters & this would be perfect.
My 4 year son would love you if you picked me! I love this website, and I think my favorite review you've done is the first one I read, which was "Rapunzel's Revenge" by Shannon and Dean Hale.
we'd love this
I would love to win this for my dad ~ I can imagine him and my kids would love playing this together when he is watching them. He loves I Spy ~
My son loves the eye spy books. He loved the board books to pieces LOL
Oh, my daughter would love these books. Count me in. Just found your site, but enjoyed the review
These would be nice for the summer!
oops, I forgot to leave my email:
I am visiting from a Well Read Child. Of course, it would be great to win, even though we are just now venturing into I Spy books. My favorite review was I am trying to get my daughter acquainted with Mo Willems, but she hasn't been a big fan so far. I'll keep trying with the books you recommended.
Excellent fun-I would love to share this with my grandchildren. Thanks!
Aaron - always love the reviews - excited about the give away - I will have to tell friends and my sisters.
My favorite old post might be the Psst. The spork thing kept cracking me up and I was amazed by the pictures your kids drew. Hope you are all well - Tari
Oh wow! My son and daughter LOVE the I Spy books. I will have to keep the new book and the Wii game in mind for future gifts (if I don't win). :D
I learned about your blog from my SIL Steve Brezenoff. I love it! I've been reading it for awhile and I've enjoyed all your entries, but I have to say my favorite is the most recent, about the new I Spy book. If I win I'll give my prize to my daughter who is a new college grad looking for an elementary teaching job. She LOVES I Spy books!!
I just stumbled on it when I was googling about...I don't remember! My daughter is a big I Spy fan.
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
I've never tried "finding books" with my girls. For some reason I had it in my head that they were for older kids, which is silly since I knew about the board books...oh well. It's never too late, right? I love puzzles, so I'm sure I'd enjoy it at least as much as they would.
Favorite Bookie Woogie post? Jazzmatazz! It was my first. :)
I just discovered your blog and have enjoyed reading your reviews!! I think my favorite is the Kevin Henkes, Old Bear. I love Kevin Henkes and had never seen this one. Now I want to go find it and read it!
great review! and the picture you made yourself is great :)
my son is crazy for spooky mansion
awesome- please enter me!
My daughter LOVES the I SPY series!! Thanks for the chance.
My little nephews love their I Spy books. It's great fun searching with them. They also enjoyed the animated I Spy show that was on TV for awhile. I'm sure they would love this video game. Thank you for the chance to win.
All 4 of my kids just love hearing me read the blogs with every new book! I must say though, that our favorite by far is the one for "Beware the Tickle Monster". I am so glad we got a copy of this book, but I must admit, I'm also glad my kids haven't figured out the tongue trick yet (or any other applications for that matter). I can't wait for Aaron to do another book too. Hiccuppotamus has been well shared around our house for several years.
my kids would love this
I so enjoy reading your reviews! Your kids are just darling! One of my favorite reviews is this one: ,if for no other reason than I think the picture is too cute.
Just visited for the first time. Great site! I love the review for the Elephant and Piggie books (#9) and the Elephant and Piggie drawings and cut-outs are so cute. We would love the I SPY book!
Hmmm, I think my favorite review is Pssst! by Adam Rex. I loved his Frankenstein books but hadn't realized he'd done anything else. And I love zoo books! And seek-and-find books! I'm entering for my library patrons though, if I win this will be a summer reading prize!
I am a subscriber.
wow! thank you so much for the giveaway :) for sure we would enjoy it :)
I have to say scribles is my favorite review, we love scrible scrable like my daughter says :)
My youngest son loves these kind of books. Our favorite review would have to be the one for Inkheart.
I would love to win. Thank you for offering this giveaway!
I want to try this but my husband says "It's for kids" and
I'm too old" I THINK NOT! Please enter me into the giveaway.
Amazing, I love how you review books. I clicked through some of your others and found Jimmy Zangwow--one of my absolute favorites. I use it every year in the classroom and then introduce my kids to moonpies!
This is my niece's favorite game, we just taught her brother how to play he is four and he always tells what he's spying. He will say I spy with my little eye something brown, I will say the curtains? no Aunt Jenny the table.. hee hee, I would love this for them.
I spy is one of our favorite games. We love to play it on car rides or when we are somewhere and are bored.
My son is a huge I Spy fan so this would be perfect for him. I liked the Scribble review best so far. Thanks for the chance,
I would have so much fun reading this book with my son. He doesn't have any I Spy books yet, but he does have a few Seek & Find ones and he LOVES that type of books.
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com
Oh my! My son would absolutely *love* this!
I love the picture hunt the kids made. I found them all!
Great prize! The kids love all the I Spy books!
I work at a call center. Sometimes we get bored. A couple of co workers were playing eye spy just the other day.
please enter me in this great contest thanks
Enter me in this great contest please!
Enter me and thanks for not requiring a specific "comment" or other contortions. It's appreciated.
I spy a.... hedgehog. Another animal favorite of the M-sons!
And one of our favorite reviews is A Wrinkle in Time.
Love you all1
We love to play I Spy games, this woould be great!
My kids would love this! Thanks for a great giveaway! at
wow, great contest
The most helpful review has been Belinda Begins Ballet.
My boys adore I Spy and I'd love to win this for them. Thanks for the giveaway.
We love I Spy, this would be so much fun!
I Spy is so much fun for children and adults. Thanks!
Great prize.
My son loves I spy and would be thrilled to win this! Thanks!
amandasandico at yahoo dot com
The I Spy your kids put together is adorable!
stormraven at gmail dot com
I Spy is great fun for all ages. Thanks for this offer.
My little grandsons would love this. Thanks for the giveaway.
eswright18 at gmail dot com
What a detailed and thorough review! I especially liked how you then made your own version!
Hmmm, it's hard to pick one favorite bookie-woogie post! I always look forward to seeing the kids' art, and their comments always make me smile... So I guess I'll choose the posts that actually made me order the books in question to enjoy with my own son:
So far these have been: "Don't Let the Pigeon Ride the Bus!", Elephant and Piggie's "There is a Bird on Your Head!", Arnie-the-Doughnut, and Little Panda...
Thanks for pointing us in the direction of some great children's books that I would otherwise have never heard of!
As for my contact info, I believe you can get my email if you click on my name at the top of this comment :)
-Balqis (*^-^*)
P.S. I haven't bought this book yet, it's in my Amazon shopping cart "Saved For Later", for when my son grows up a bit ;) but I can't not mention this other favorite bookie-woogie post on: "Mommy Poems"
It was soooo touching! all the kids' poems were precious, and Isaac's poem was especially heart warming :)
My daughter loves I Spy so I know she would love this. thank you!
I'd love to win this for my son, he loves I SPY :D
My son loves I Spy. I just might have to create one for him. It would be a great idea for a birthday party.
Great contest thank you.
Great I-Spy package, Thank You!
I still enjoy I Spy games. They're fun and can still sometimes trump adults, so it's a great family activity!
Thanks for a chance to win.
Seems like we always run across I-SPY books at the doctor's office. It would be nice to get one without the doctor visit.
My daughters would love to have an I Spy book. Thanks.
walters123 (at) hotmail (dot) com
For my favorite review I would choose Little Pea and Little Hoot. I think my daughters would love to read these books. Thanks
walters123 (at) hotmail (dot) com
This would keep my kids busy for hours.
I Spy is my son's favorite game - he would love this!
Absolutely - I can't think of anything clever that starts with B and C.
My kids have always loved ISPY games.
My daughter would love this.
Great Review!
madamerkf at aol dot com
Love it - I love that your kids created their own ispy pic just for us LOL. they did a great job
I love the psst review because how could you not love the spork teeshirt at the end? your kids are pretty creative!
We checked out an I Spy book from the library & my kids loved it.
My son loves the I Spy books! We would love to add this to the collection.
mercsmercado at yahoo dot com
I Spy is so fun! My kids love it too. I like your review of Holes. The artwork was very good and it's one of our favorite books.
That looks amazing. I have a family friend who would love this. Thank you
Great giveaway. Thanks!
I loved I-Spy when I was a little girl. My mom always laughed because I checked out so many of the books at one time, and finished finding everything in two days!
Wee Man loves I SPY books and the game we got for his Leapster.. I know this would be a great surprise for him... All the reviews are great but Beware the Tickle Monster is a favorite... just incase weeshenanigans (at) gmail (dot) com
My favorite Bookie Woogie is your review of the Elephant and Piggie books.
The Belinda Loves Ballet is so cute.
My kids love the ISPY stuff, and so do I actually!
My daughter likes the I Spy books and we have fun looking for items
I spy books help us to pass time. My kids and my grandson have memorized all the books we already have.
I like the scribble review. Hearing the kids tell the review is interesting to hear what they got out of the story. I like how the pictures come to life.
We love to play I Spy whenever we have a long wait. I didn't know that their was a Wii game for it! Thanks.
This looks so fun! Thanks for the giveaway!
I love the ISPY the kids put together. Very cute!
My family loves I Spy. Thanks for the chance.
The I Spy books are incredible amounts of fun!
I loved your review on Little Hoot and Little Pea! Your kids said the funniest things about the pea and the owl.
We like I Spy
We always get I Spy books out from the library, and my kids would love their own book, one they don't have to give back! And I never heard of this as a game, now, I know they would LOVE that!
Neat prize!
this would be great for my grandchildren and their friends. :)
I love the I Spy books. I haven't seen the Wii game but I am sure that it is a lot of fun. Thanks for the chance to win!
I loved the Arnie the Doughnut review. We have that book ~ it is really funny. Thanks!
My granddaughter would love this prize pack. She loves I Spy.
What a great prize! I just love I Spy and my boys do too! Thanks for the chance to win!
My fave review was the How Are You Peeling? book! I think all your reviews are so fun and I love "hearing" from the kids!
My favorite is the one for Baby Mouse. Kids love this story, too. kneecree at gmail dot com
Fun stuff--thanks!
Thanks for the GREAT giveaway
please count me in :)
This looks like it could keep the kids busy for a little while.
What a COOL Giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity to enter!
my son would LOVE this. i hope that i win it for him.
I'd love to win this! Thanks for offering such a great prize!
Holy Guacamole - your kids went through a lot of trouble to set up that GREAT I Spy scene. Thanks for sharing it with all of us.
This is so cool! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
I think my Bambi would love I spy Books. Thank you for having this giveaway.
litefoot873 (@)
we love i spy. i didnt even know there was a video ame. thats is so cool.
This is a really neat book. The kids would really enjoy it
My fav. review is on Little Panda. What a cute story
Wii games are mostly interactive. I Spy looks like an attention getter and brain builder.
I have to say I loved the review of Repunsels revenge.
Nora SP
My son would love this package
I love the Little Panda review!
I Spy is fun, I'd love to have this
alterna7 at hotmail dot com
My kids would love this.. Please enter me :)
My kids would get a kick out of these books!
I have so many kids who would love this! Thanks for the chance.
Little Panda by Renata Lewska was good.
Happy Summer!
Thanks to Everyone who entered the giveaway! We especially enjoyed all the feedback people provided about Bookie Woogie reviews. We always appreciate knowing your thoughts! Thanks also to Scholastic for making these books and prizes available.
Now for the big moment! Picking the winners! We've placed all these many, many names into Lily's special duckie hat. We decided to let baby sister Evie select the grand prize winner. But we'll hold off on seeing who that is for a moment. First we'll announce the 4 winners of the I Spy A to Z book.
Elijah draws the next name, and it's... "Heidi Noel"
Lily goes next and pulls out... "Carrie"
Gracie reaches in and finds... "Marianna/Mannasweeps"
One more to go... Isaac roots around, roots around, come on Isaac, and at long last surfaces with... "WIMEE"
And finally we'll take a peek at the name Evie has in her hand. The winner of the 2 books, board game, and Wii game is... "Darryl"
Congratulations to everyone! (And after just now re-examining the winners' comments, I feel compelled to stress that although Darryl does appear to have fine, fine taste in books, the winning picks were indeed COMPLETELY random... unless baby Evie has been peeking at this blog behind our back... and has learned to read) Again, congrats winners!
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