(Portrait provided by Gracie)
We'll start with a Bookie Woogie review of Grandpa Green:
Gracie (age 11): A little boy and a bunch of trees.
Dad: But what do you find if you look closer?
Isaac (age 13): The grandpa's life story.
Dad: And if you look even closer, what do you discover?
Gracie: Symbolism. I think the book is about time passing and about memories.
Isaac: It's a deep story. Very deep.
Gracie: And it's gorgeous.
It has really amazing artwork.
Isaac: The art tells more of the story than the words do. The words alone might be boring without
the pictures. But the art turns
the story into something awesome.
Gracie: The book is about this nice old guy who keeps forgetting
things. But he starts telling his
life story through his garden.
Lily (age 9): He had a big life.
The grandpa put his story into all the bushes that he carved.
Gracie: And the
little boy gets to run through the garden and figure the story out.
Lily: He shows his life through leaves... A lovely life through leaves.
Isaac: That's why there is an elephant on the cover. Because an elephant never forgets.
Gracie: And the garden doesn't forget either.
Dad: How did the story make you feel?
Gracie: Like old people are freaking awesome.
Isaac: The art in "Grandpa Green" is very different than in Lane
Smith's other books. I didn't even
know this book was by the same dude at first. His older books look bold and solid with lots of
shading. This book is more open
and spaced out with lots of spots left white.
Gracie: (flipping through the book) I LOVE this picture.
I love that tree.
Lily: It's the best climbing tree ever.
Gracie: No two trees in this book are alike.
Lily: Some are loose and hangy.
Gracie: But I love this tree. It's all old and you can see the roots sticking up out of
the ground. It's so detailed. The branches are all twisty.
Lily: They go every-which-way.
Gracie: It makes me want to jump into the book and make a tree
house. It's the perfect tree for a
tree house! It's the world's best
climbing tree, freaking-ever!
And now a Bookie Woogie conversation with Lane Smith:
Lane Smith: Well hey!
Gracie: Congratulations on winning your Caldecott Honor!
Lane Smith: Yeah, that was cool! They gave me one 20 years ago for "The Stinky Cheese
Man," so I figure if they just give me one every 20 years I'll be happy.
Kids: Ha ha ha hee ha!
Gracie: Were you really excited when you got the phone call and
found out you'd won?
Lane Smith: Actually when they called I wasn't there. I was outside playing with my two cats,
Noodle and Pretzel.
Gracie: Noodle and Pretzel!
Lane Smith: Then I remembered it was announcement day, so I went into
my office and found the voicemail saying that I'd won and had missed their
call. So I had to call them back
and admit that I wasn't waiting breathlessly by the phone.
Dad: And you attended the Caldecott award ceremony just last
week, right?
Lane Smith: Yeah. This
year it was held in Anaheim, and 35 years ago I used to work in Anaheim - I was
a janitor at Disneyland.
Isaac: Cool!
Lane Smith: I used to walk around with my pan and broom and sweep up
popcorn outside It's a Small World.
I remember seeing those topiaries in front of the ride, studying how
they were made and how they grew.
Who would think that 35 years later I'd do a book called "Grandpa Green"
about topiaries and that when they gave me the award, I'd be back in Disneyland
Country picking it up. That was
kind of fun.
Gracie: When you win a Caldecott, do they give you an actual
medal? Or a certificate? Or do they just give you stickers on
your book?
Lane Smith: You get a sticker on your book, which is very cool. But also, on award night the gold medal
winner gets a big gold medal. Then
the Honor winners get a shiny plaque with a silver sticker on it. But the plaque is pretty cool. And you also get free cake and free
chicken and all kinds of good stuff.
Ha ha...
Isaac: Where are you going to keep your plaque?

Lily: How do you work on the books with your wife... Do you sit right next to each other, or
do you send each other stuff?
Lane Smith: When we lived in New York City, we had our little desks
side by side. But I think my music
was driving her crazy. So when we
bought a new house in Connecticut, she made sure I had a whole separate
building to work in. Ha ha
Dad: She likes it quiet?
Lane Smith: No... She
doesn't like it quiet... She just
doesn't like my music!
Kids: Ha ha ha hah...
Lane Smith: If I'm working on a book about sailors, I like to play old
sea chanteys. And if I'm working
on a book about the West, I like to play old cowboy music. It drives her a little nuts. But in her office she has a t.v. with
the Food Network playing all day long, and that drives me crazy.
Dad: That might be good accompaniment for Stinky Cheese Man
Lane Smith: Right, programs about cheese and olives and bacon. Well, I now work in a 100 year old
Isaac: That's pretty cool.
Lane Smith: And she works in another building a field away. Each day we email our work back and forth. Then at some point I call her up and
say, "Hey, let's go to lunch."
Ha ha... That's when we get
Isaac: When you were working on "Grandpa Green," did it feel
different -- were you thinking it could win an award?

Dad: Hopefully with many more to come!
Lane Smith: It was a nice surprise to win an award. Those committees have 15 different
judges that have to agree on your book.
My work is always so weird, I just figure it's never going to win
anything. I love the Caldecotts,
and I love the books that get picked every year, but I just figure those aren't the
kind of books that I do.
Gracie: We noticed that Grandpa Green is different from your
other books. It is deeper and more
Lane Smith: Yeah, it was more serious than my other goofy books. So I suppose it had that in it's favor.
Gracie: What inspired that change? Why did you decide to do a book like this?
Lane Smith: Hmmm, I don't really know where that came from. I'm getting older now... so maybe I was
thinking more seriously about life.
About one life. About
putting a whole life into one book.
How could I do that symbolically?
Instead of literally showing a picture of a little boy and then a
picture of a teenager and then a man, I thought it would be interesting to show
it all through trees and plants.
Visually it's more interesting.
Isaac: So the grandpa's life was the starting point for the book
and not the trees?
Lane Smith: Well, it was probably a combination. From the visual standpoint, I've always
wanted to do something with topiaries.
And I've always wanted to try a book with one color throughout, so I
wanted to keep the palette all green.
Gracie: We loved that.
Lane Smith: It was an interesting challenge. Because I also wanted to keep the boy
in simple, uncolored outlines. But
in order to achieve that, I could never put him in front of a bush or he would
look like a white ghost. I always
had to figure out a way to leave a white space open on the page for the boy so
I could draw him in an outline.
Isaac: That's cool...
Dad: We'll look for that when we read it now!
Lily: If you could trim your own real hedge, what shape would
you make it?

Isaac: That would be awesome!
Gracie: Hee hee hee!
Isaac: Does the Stinky Cheese Man stalk you everywhere you
go? Do you enjoy that he's still
so popular, or does it start getting annoying that he always keeps coming up?
Lane Smith: You can't get away from stinky cheese... it stinks too
bad. No, it's really an honor to
have done a book that is over 20 years old, is still in print, and people still
know about it. I'm happy.
Isaac: That's good.
Lane Smith: When you meet people for the first time, they'll say,
"Well, what do you do."
And - you probably get this, Aaron - you say, "I do kids
books." And they'll say,
"Do I know any of them? Name some!" And I'll start naming them... "Never heard of it. Never heard of it. Never heard of it." But if I say "Stinky Cheese Man," most of
them will say, "Oh, I know that one!"
Gracie: That happens to Daddy with "The Hiccupotamus."
Dad: Ha ha, Oh, I
Lane Smith: Yeah!
Everyone knows that book, come on!
Dad: Yesterday when we were preparing for this interview, I
gathered up all your books that we have in the house. The kids and I were about to go over "The Stinky Cheese
Man" again, and my wife came
over from the other side of the room.
She knows about the book, but had never read it. She said, in sort of a challenge,
"Okay, I'm going to listen to this one and see if it's worthy of all the
hype it gets."
Gracie: She started cracking up when we were reading "The Stinky
Cheese Man." My Mom was laughing
her head off.
Lane Smith: Oh, that's good that it still holds up!
Dad: So she's a fan of that one now too.

Lane Smith: Excellent!
That's one of my favorites!
Gracie: We love "The Happy Hocky Family!"
Lane Smith: When I do a book signing, if there are 100 people in the
line then maybe one out of that hundred will be a Happy Hocky fan. But it's always the weirdest person in
the line. Which I like!
Dad: Ha ha ha --We're in good company then. That's definitely our "family
Gracie: We have 14 of your books, and we noticed that 7 of them
you made with Jon Scieszka, and 7 you made by yourself. Half and Half. What is the best part about working on
books with other authors, and what is the best part about working on books by
Lane Smith: When you read another author's manuscript for the first
time, it's already a fully formed story.
So you can already start thinking about what style and shapes and colors
you'd use. It's fun to illustrate
someone else's words... but you are interpreting their vision. When you write your own work, it's 100%
yourself. The themes are more
personal. And it's more exciting
because you are the writer, the director, the set designer, the actor, the
producer. That's the most
When I work with other
writers, I like the ones that have the same sense of humor as I do. Jon definitely has that.

Gracie: Speaking of Jon Scieszka and collaborations... we thought
of some other partnerships we know.
For each pair, we want you to tell us which one is you and which one is
Jon Scieszka.
Lane Smith: Okay...
Isaac: Rocky and Bullwinkle.
Lane Smith: Ah, ha ha!
Jon would be Bullwinkle. I
would be Rocky -- I think he was a little smarter than Bullwinkle even though
he was shorter.
Gracie: Peanut Butter and Jelly.
Lane Smith: Oh, that's a good one. I would be peanut butter. I don't even think Jon likes peanut butter. But I have to have it every day. I would be peanut butter. And I would be smooth... Jif... peanut butter.
Dad: Absolutely!
That's the only real peanut butter there is, right?
Lane Smith: You don't want that chunky Peter Pan! No way.
Gracie: Next one... Legolas and Gimli.
Lane Smith: Who???
Gracie: From Lord of the Rings?
Lane Smith: I never read those books! In highschool, all the nerdy guys were reading Lord of the
Rings and I thought I was too cool for that. Of course they thought I was a nerd because I was reading
Spiderman. I'll have to pass on
that one...
Isaac: Calvin and Hobbes.
Lane Smith: That's a tough one too. I was always more of a Peanuts fan.
Gracie: Gasp -- I LOVE PEANUTS!!!
Lane Smith: Excellent!
They were a big influence on my work.
Gracie: So I'm going to change the pair: Snoopy and Woodstock.
Lane Smith: Excellent. I
want to be Snoopy. He had the best
imagination, pretending to be the Red Barron... Jon can be Woodstock with the word balloon over his head
full of "dit dit dit dit dit..."
Lily: Are you Lucy or Ricky?
Lane Smith: Ha ha! Lucy
or Ricky? Is that what you
asked? I would be Ricky
Ricardo. But Jon wouldn't be Lucy,
he'd be Fred Mertz.
Dad: And your reason....
Is it hairlines?
Lane Smith: Ha ha ha hah ha...
No, he's the obnoxious neighbor coming over to bug me. Ha ha ha...
Gracie: Here's the last one...
Lily: Pooh and Tigger.
Lane Smith: Ha ha hah!
I'm going to say I would be Tigger. And Jon would be Poo'
- for obvious reasons.
Kids: HAH ha ha hah ha haaa ha haaa!
Dad: Well, thanks so much for talking with us! And again, congratulations on your win.
Gracie: You totally deserved it. I love your "Grandpa Green" book.
Lane Smith: Well thank-you.
I'll be looking for all of your books when you kids start publishing
your own. It was great talking
with you guys. Hey, where are you
guys calling from?
Dad: We're in Michigan.
Lane Smith: Excellent.
That's the land of Scieszka.
Dad: Yep... He grew up here.
Gracie: I didn't know that.
Lane Smith: And Laurie Keller is there, right?
Dad: Yes. Not far
from us. We run into her every
once in a while.
Lane Smith: She does good work.
The next time you see her, give her a doughnut from me.
Dad: We actually went to her house once and she served us
doughnuts. It was the coolest
thing ever.
Lane Smith: Ha! I think
she has a doughnut factory hidden on her property.
Gracie: If we visit you, will you give us stinky cheese?
Lane Smith: Yeah, if you guys come visit me, I will personally give
each of you a big chunk of stinky cheese and make sure you eat it.
Gracie: Awww....
Dad: Afterward we'll trim your hedges for you.
tree, by Gracie
Published, 2011: Roaring Brook Press
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That is a gorgeous book. I look at it every time I go into Barnes and Noble. Lane Smith has created some very clever books over the years. This one is a real treat. He also illustrates books for other authors, lending his whimsy and wit to their stories also.
GREAT g post! (I adore children's books!!!)
I used to read the stinky cheeseman to my class years ago. I still remember those lines.
Thanks for a fun interview.
Grampa Green sounds like a really neat book. Your review makes me want to read it!
I will have to look for the book! What a wonderful interview! I was such fun to hear the questions you asked.
I'm off to the bookstore to buy books for the twins! Thanks! This is a great post!!!
I love children's books and this one looks like a gem!
I love children's books too!!! And this sounds like an awesome one! OH! And I love your interviews and great artwork! I am hanging about here to catch up a bit!
And Gracie and Lily, I love that tree with all the branches too! (Actually, I love trees like that in real life and when I see one, I imagine myself climbing on it!...we see some amazing trees like that in the squares herein Savannah, Georgia)
...and hm...I think that I would prefer to be served a donut rather than a chunk of stinky cheese! haha
Blessings & Aloha!
I'm adding "Grandpa Green" to my library wish list--this from someone way past juvenile reading of any kind--and I can't claim grandchildren as an excuse. So, I'll just have to go with "it seems like a good read." And, BTW, I liked the interview format.
What a grand post!
I am definitely going to check this book out!
Thanks for such a fascinating interview...with EVERYONE!
Really clever writing!
I need to read the Stinky Cheese book, too!
Stinky cheese!
Loving the Lily Hedge! And I'm so excited to hear about this book. It reminds me of my grandpa, who has been in heaven almost 13 years, but left quite a legacy in trees and love. Thank you all for sharing the book and the interview!
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