Monday, March 8, 2010

DVD Review: What's in the Bible

Dad:  This is a bit of a departure for us...
Gracie (age 9):  What is a "departure"?
Dad:  It means this is different from what we normally do.  We usually review children's books on Bookie Woogie.  But today we are making an exception in order to highlight a great new DVD series.
Isaac (age 11):  We should start another blog called DVDeegie Woogie that just does DVD reviews.  Although, we do not have time to do two blogs...
Dad:  But these DVDs do sort'a fit here.  Because they are for children.  And they're about a book.
Gracie: (singing)  The B - I - B - L - E...
Lily (age 7):  The DVDs are called "What's in the Bible - with Buck Denver."
Gracie:  Buck Denver - man of news!
Isaac:  It is made by Phil Vischer.
Gracie:  He's awesome.
Dad:  How much do we love Phil Vischer?
Lily:  Lots!
Gracie:  He's stinkin' awesome!
Lily:  Phil Vischer is a puppet... guy.  I mean, he likes to do puppets.
Dad:  Puppeteer.
Isaac:  He's also the guy who made VeggieTales.
Dad:  And how much do we love VeggieTales?
Gracie:  VeggieTales is also stinkin' awesome!
Dad:  Tell us what VeggieTales is...
Isaac:  I think everyone in the whole world knows about VeggieTales.
Dad:  Well just in case, why don't you tell us about it.
Gracie:  VeggieTales is a show about a bunch of vegetables and fruits that can talk and dance and sing and tell you stories from the Bible.
Lily:  And Phil Vischer also made JellyTelly.
Gracie:  JellyTelly is stinkin' awesome!  Everything he does is stinkin' awesome.
Isaac:  It's hilarious.
Dad:  Do you think there are people who haven't heard about JellyTelly?
Isaac:  Yes.  I think it would be new for pretty much everybody.
Dad:  Although, we've been watching it from day one -- from the very first day it launched in November 0f '08.
Gracie: is an online show about the Bible.
Dad:  And each day there is a new episode.
Isaac:  There are stories and songs.
Lily:  And they are funny!
Dad:  Are there any talking vegetables on JellyTelly?
Lily:  No.  There are people puppets!
Isaac:  With extremely skinny arms.
Gracie:  Like Buck Denver -- man of news!
Dad:  And these new "What's in the Bible" DVDs feature characters from JellyTelly.  Did you know it's always been my fantasy to do Bookie Woogie with puppets someday?
Isaac:  It is?
Dad:  Instead of recording and typing reviews, we could build our own puppets and film them talking about books...
Isaac:  We've got to do that!
Dad:  Maybe we'll surprise our readers with puppets in some future installment.  But for now, tell me about some of the puppet characters on "What's in the Bible"...
Lily:  My favorites are Clive and Ian.
Gracie:  Ian!  He is absolutely hilarious.  He's the little short one with the round head.
Lily:  They are funny.
Gracie:  They are the funniest guys on there!  Ian should have his own show called "The Funniest Things Ever."  Think about it, Mr. Vischer.
Lily:  I want to tell you about the Scat man.  Brother Louie.  He tells things through body language while he goes "Wassa Bah Doosie Pah! Vabadoo Voo Dadada!"
Dad:  Lovely scat, Lily.
Gracie:  Every time the Pastor Paul puppet comes on, our little brother Elijah says, "Look! A Jonas Brother!"  But he doesn't look anything like a Jonas Brother!
Elijah (age 4):  Yes he does!  He has black hair.
Isaac:  Rhett and Link are on here too!
Gracie:  They play the amazing Bentley Brothers.
Dad:  And how much do we like Rhett and Link?
Gracie:  They're stinkin' awesome!  (singing) "Genesis begins it alllll...."
Isaac:  I also like the Popsicle Stick Theater.  They draw these little pictures and stick them on popsicle sticks and do little shows.
Dad:  So it's like puppets performing puppets.  Which is weird...
Gracie:  No it's not.  It's stinkin' awesome!
Dad:  So Gracie, if you had to describe these DVDs in two words, would you say that they are "awesome" and that they "stink"?  Is that what you are telling me?
Gracie:  NO.
Lily:  They are not really stinky.
Gracie:  "Stinkin' awesome" means better than awesome.  It's like, Double-Awesome.
Dad:  So, besides puppets, what else is on these DVDs?
Lily:  Songs.
Isaac: (singing)  "Hallelujah, look what God can do..."
Gracie: (singing)  "The Bible is a book, it's a bunch of books, sort of like a whole library..."
Dad:  Pause.  Pause.  I need to hit your "pause" buttons.  Okay, since you are quoting me whole episodes after just watching them once, I assume the songs are catchy?
Isaac:  We like them so much, we can memorize them easily.
Gracie:  And they are funny!
Isaac:  You can usually remember stuff that's funny.
Gracie: (singing)  "The Bible is a book with about a billion pages, don't read it all at once, you're better off in stages..."
Dad:  Do you only remember funny stuff, or do you remember any facts as well?
Gracie:  Over 40 people wrote the Bible over 1600 years.
Dad:  And why are these books all bound together in one cover?
Gracie:  The canon.
Dad:  And what's the "canon"?  There were lots of other writings floating around in the first century...
Isaac:  And there were people who decided which books they wanted in the Bible, and which ones were just interesting.
Dad:  Yep - interesting vs. inspired.  And what does the word "inspired" mean?
Gracie:  Jesus talking through the guys' heads, and the guys choosing the words?
Dad:  Uhhhh... that sounds very close to... making sense...
Gracie:  "Inspired" means God giving the writers of the Bible the ideas, and then they chose the actual words to put down.  God's ideas, and people's words.
Lily:  The shows teach you about words that you never, never knew.
Dad:  So did you learn anything new, Lily?
Lily:  I learned that the cover of the Bible is made out of cow.
Dad:  Leather?
Gracie:  Ha hah ha!
Dad:  Did anyone learn anything else?
Gracie:  I learned that in the back of the Bible there's a book that talks about the end of the world.
Dad:  The book of Revelation.  You didn't know that?
Gracie:  No, I didn't.
Dad:  So are you going to skip to the back of the Bible and read it yourself?
Gracie:  I'm going to wait for the DVD.

Sunday School Lady in a canoe & Buck Denver man of news, by Lily

Clive & Ian (and a pony), by Gracie

Rhett & Link as the Fabulous Bentley Brothers, by Isaac

Creator: Phil Vischer
Published, March 2010: Tyndale
Like it? Find it

Here are a few more links for good measure:

What's in the Bible
Clive and Ian
Rhett & Link
The Bentley Brothers

And here's a fun preview:

Time for a Giveaway!  Tyndale provided us with our preview sample, and they've also sent us certificates to pass out here on Bookie Woogie.  The certificates entitle one lucky winner to redeem free copies of the first two episodes: "In the Beginning" and "Let My People Go."  To enter the drawing, simply leave a comment below.  A week from today, on March 15, we'll randomly select one person to receive the free DVDs!  Good luck!  Spread the word!


Unknown said...

Very Cute

Katiebrarian said...

Hahaha - Sometimes I wish people really DID have pause buttons. Not you guys, though! Thanks for another great review

Unknown said...

Cute! Thanks!

Rebecca said...

Wow! Great stuff - we love BigIdea. Neat!

Tari Faris said...

Sound like great fun. I will have to check it out. I loved Gracie's DVD comment in the end. Awesome. You all are awesome!

Tari Faris

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a cool idea...I'm sure my boys would love this.

Jill said...

Now I have to go find jellytelly!

Melissa said...

Those look like great fun!

Hull.Margaret said...

I love Veggie Tales, but had not heard of JellyTelly or these new DVD's. Sounds great.

Blenderman345's Blog said...

You guys are so funny!
I'm pretty sure I could see Phil Vischer smile when you guys said, 'he's stinkin' awesome!', and when you said, 'EVERYTHING he DOES is stinkin' awesome'

April said...

Something else to look forward to from Big Idea. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

I can't wait to see these, haven't had a chance to get them yet. Maybe I can get them for free :)

Amy said...

I want one! I want one!


Valerie said...

Wow. It would definitely be stinkin awesome to win these! Thanks for doing this!

Mark, Val, Zack and Luke

Brimful Curiosities said...

Yes, you should do a puppet show review! Great information, as always. Off to check out JellyTelly.

Doug Hanna said...

Great review!

Your kids sound adorable!

Please enter me in your giveaway!

Amanda said...

What a wonderful blog! Thanks for the review!

Rebecca said...

Loved the review! We love Jelly Telly around here! Can't wait to get the DVDs!

Jordan said...

Very fun! Hopefully I'll get a chance to see these videos, too.

By the way, this is my first time here. Love the idea of three kids and their dad reviewing books together! I do my own book reviews from a teen's perspective, so this is especially neat to me. :-)

Melissa said...

We love VeggieTales around here, love JellyTelly...and can't wait to get our hands on copies of What's in the Bible?! It'd be even more stinkin' awesome if they were free!

Matt said...

These DVDs look amazing. :) said...

The DVDs look great!! My boys would love them!

Noël De Vries said...

Enjoy your reviews, as do my siblings 11, 8, 5. (The week of Let's Do Nothing, the boys went around repeating, "urinating"--"going to the bathroom"--"urinating").

We did our own review of The 21 Balloons today, thanks for the inspiration.

Jonathan said...

those DVDs would be great. Can you send them to Australia? that's where I live. If I get them I'll pass them round some Mums at my church.

House of Leoj said...

Stink' awesome review. Thanks for sharing.

House of Leoj said...

Oops. Keyboard not working well.

Stinkin' awesome review!

Rebecca Gomez said...

I love Veggie Tales! And this show really does look stinkin' awesome. Great review, as always!

@ngie said...

Rhett and Link have been long time favorites at our house. This looks like a great partnership. Thanks for the review!

- Angie Washington

john ferris said...

This sounds interesting.
john ferris

Anonymous said...

I would love to win

Brian D. said...

This would be stinkin' awesome not only for my kids but to use at our church's school.

Pat said...

Well, this is my first visit to your blog. You guys are awesome! A wonderful review.
pkildow at gmail dot com

J. Cannon said...

My family loves the VeggieTales and I am excited to see What's in the Bible?!

Marina@EBMR said...

would love to win one of these dvds for my 4 yr old.Loves Veggie Tales so this would be great!

Jodi said...

This would be great for home and at grandma's house. Thanks for the chance.

Also, loved the post, your children's remarks really made me smile.


Anonymous said...

what a fun giveaway

mverno said...

my grandson and i would really enjoy these

Carmen said...

Loved the Blog! Your kids are amazing!

Heather - Hopelessly Flawed said...

We can't wait to see these! I know my girls will love them, too.

Thanks for the opportunity!

Anonymous said...

This stuff would be great for my grandchildren

Missybeez said...

Thanks. Very cute!

Anonymous said...


Brett and Cindy said...

Hi! I just read your blog for the first time! I was linked from a twitter post by the folks at "What' in the Bible". You have a great blog! How fun!

Anonymous said...

This is very cute
thank you

Holly G. said...

Thanks for a great giveaway!

roseh2o19 said...

I'm simply leaving a comment.

mdog said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win!! I would love these DVD's!

Anonymous said...

Happy Weekend!

Julie Donahue said...

Awesome review! I'd love to a fly on the wall during your "interview".

Denise said...

I'm so excited to learn about these! I want to get copies to mail to our grandchild on the mission field of Kenya. I can't be there to teach her this but we can share the songs together via Skype after I learn them, too!

Kathy P said...

Thank you for the Great giveaway please count me in :)

Tricia316 said...

What a creative way to learn about the Bible in an age appropriate manner.

Unknown said...

I'd love to be able to show these DVDs to my daughter. I love the retro-look of some of the segments.

mearley1979 (at) gmail (dot) com

Brandi said...

I'd love to enter! Please enter me!


cman said...

We saw these in the christian book store we went to last night.. please enter me :)

Madonna said...

I hope I am not too late. I so want to try out these dvds

Sonya Cocherell said...

That looks very neat. Thanks

Z-Kids said...

Glad to see so many people interested in this great series! Well, we threw the entries into and the winner is...

"Heather-Hopelessly Flawed"

Congrats! I'm sure you'll enjoy them! Thanks for stopping by everyone!


quilly said...

Don't put me in the drawing, I did a review on this, too, but not near as cool as you and the kids! I love the Fabulous Bentley Brother's sketch!

This is a great blog. (I found you via one of Tyndale's tweets.

Debi said...

This series ROCKS! Great review. If you haven't checked it out get on it at

Brett and Cindy said...

And they are now going to add curriculum! Yippee! Make sure your kids send their awesome pictures into the picture contest at!

Isaac's mom said...

Loved your review and love these new DVDs. You can find out more about them at