"We’re here at the Zenz home and things are pretty nutty.
There are six kids, the stuff Isaac carved with his collection of pocket knives, the book Lily is writing about a girl who follows a trail of nuts and falls into a mysterious hole, 57 ducks, a recipe for tuna fish potatoes, and...
Hang on. It’s gonna get a little crazy."
Crazy indeed! That last line, my friends, is a perfect summary of our life, presented to the masses in this past Sunday's edition of the Grand Rapids Press.
The newspaper powers-that-be decided to write a feature on Bookie Woogie, and it turned into a big profile of the whole family -- nearly two full pages worth. Terri Hamilton did a beautiful job reporting, and Darren Breen took some priceless photos. And that's not all! The paper enjoyed what they saw here on Bookie Woogie so much, they've decided to start running our reviews in the Grand Rapids Press from time to time!
So if you'd like to get a behind the scenes peek into the lives and personalities that bring you this blog, this is a good place. You can click HERE for the article, HERE for the gallery, and HERE for our first paper-published review...
Thanks to the Grand Rapids Press! And thanks to all our many blog readers for your faithful visits here over the years!

What a terrific article! And it's fun to see the photos. Good work, you guys!
(And Lily, awww.... thanks.)
Wow, that is so awesome ... love to hear stories like this one!
I read that and loved it. It is nice to see the personalities in a different light. We were in the same vehicle situation after having our 4th baby 4 months ago. I actually really liked it on one level. You have a beautiful family. It is fun that we get a glimpse every week.
Congratulations! I hope the article inspires many more people to share and talk about books with their kids, as does your blog.
Linked to you today, BTW.
What a neat article! Although a big part of the fun of your reviews is seeing the artwork, so the newspaper readers are missing out.
Oh, I have a recommendation for you. Mirror, Mirror, by Marilyn Singer. I'd love to see what your kids do with the art.
Thanks everybody!
Beth - I love Mirror, Mirror! Actually that title is bittersweet for me. About five years ago a publisher sent me the manuscript for that book, and I worked up some sample illustrations. I never heard back though, and obviously they picked another illustrator. But the manuscript was seared into my mind - my favorite manuscript I had ever read. I would have LOVED to have illustrated it. Over the years I kept watching and watching, waiting to see if it would ever come out. Finally it did, and it definitely deserves all the praise it's been getting.
Your family is SO amazing! I have just found out about your blogs and I am sure to keep on following you.
I am so happy for you guys. This is very neat. I'm glad homeschooling is working for you, so that you can keep doing all the sweet stuff you do now! (Especially the Bookie Woogie blog...)
Looks like a happy family. You guys are great.
So neat! And as a Youth Services Librarian--I LOVE your blog (and your kids!). I'm glad you're getting more publicity.
That is just so great! :)
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