Love For Reading
by Gracie at age 7
Made with cut paper (snazzy cut paper!)

Critters Reading
by Lily at age 5
A bird, a snake, and a sitting duck

Just One More Book
by Isaac at age 9
Mmmmm... Gators love books...
I thought I'd also take a moment to mention that my love for Just One More Book directly lead to the creation of Bookie Woogie. They have a feature where anyone can call into their hotline and leave a message telling about your favorite book. I thought the kids would really enjoy doing this, but since it's a real-time recorded call, I figured we'd have to practice lots first. I remembered back to a Christmas letter years earlier that I had put together with the family in an interview format, and was bemoaning the fact that it couldn't work that way... record it all and type up the best bits afterward. Then I thought, hey we could do that. And that would actually be fun! We could do it on a regular basis! Start our own blog! And thus... Bookie Woogie was born. And that is how most things work with me... simple ideas snowball into huge, complex endeavors. What could have been a quick one-time phone call is now instead an ongoing weekly lengthy production!
Thanks Just One More Book for your fantastic podcast and also for the inspiration! And we'll get around to leaving that phone message someday...
(For a taste of Just One More Book, you might want to check out the review of this book written by some guy.)
LOVE the snazzy cut paper. That deviates from the norm a little and I like it!
What a fabulous treat to find this post today! Thank you so much!! If we helped even a little to inspire your extremely endearing, engaging and enlightening interviews, we're just completely tickled.
Speaking of the gallery, you are all, of course, in our queue of yet-to-record Love-of-reading interviews, which has been sadly neglected (one of the embarrassing realities of hobby podcasting...), and we're hoping you're still willing to chat with us when we finally find the time to get back to them.
Thanks again & happy reading!
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