Voices. Voices. Our little house, packed with seven people, is always full of voices. Week to week on Bookie Woogie the kids and I share a few words about our favorite books. But every now and again, I interrupt our regular programming to share the voices behind those words.

Below are a few choice clips from our digital recordings. In case you'd like to see the full context of these excerpts, I've also included links to the original book reviews from whence they came.
(And if anyone has trouble with the audio in the post, this alternate version may work better for you)This is our third batch of Audio Snippets we've shared so far. After pulling the post together, I noticed the clips are overall very Gracie-heavy this time 'round. But that's okay... our days tend to be extra full of Gracie as well. Hope you enjoy these moments!
We'll kick things off with Lily. When I asked Lily about her thoughts on
"The Lion and the Mouse," she burst out with this musical review:
Wow. I am impressed with how you are creating knowledgeable readers in your kids. I'm impressed, too, that hubby is involved. Just great.
OMG - so adorable!
I try but I wish I could give my kids such a rich experience and actually record it the way you are too!!
Your kids are adorable and oh so smart!!! And that Adam Rex is a hoot. Had to move the giraffes. :-)
This is such a great way to say reading memories. I will have to remember to do this with my son.
These are great. I bet these will be wonderful memories for your kids when they are older.
Such a rich experience for your kids & great post.
Happy Alphabe-Thursday to you!
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