Congratulations to Grace Lin for another wonderful tale, and many thanks for the great conversation! (portrait of Grace Lin by Gracie)
***First a review....

Gracie (age 12): It was magical!
And interesting. And
Lily (age 9): It's like a mystery story too.
Gracie: The moon goes missing.
Isaac (age 14): And the sky is crying.
Gracie: So the characters have to find out where the moon went.
Isaac: But the main character can't leave the city. He can't get away.
Gracie: And there are lots of little stories within the one main
story. Like, one of the characters will say, "Did you ever hear the story
of... the Giant Frog that Ate the Moon?" And they'll go, "No! Tell it! Tell it!" Then later that story will tie into
their adventure. All the awesome
little stories add up and connect to the main story at the end.
Dad: You said 'awesome'... Why are the little stories awesome?
Gracie: They are crazy!
Like, there used to be six suns in the sky and this guy starts shooting
them down with his bow and arrow.
So cool. And there's this
glorious lady who lives on the moon.
But her husband lives on the sun.
So once every month this celestial rooster flies him across the sky from
the sun to the moon, and he gets to be with his wife.
Dad: Tell me about some of the transformations that take place
in the book. Creatures are
changing all over the place...
Gracie: A tadpole turned into a rabbit. The rabbit turned into a toad. A different toad turned into a lady.
Lily: A man turned
into a toad. A white tiger turned
into a man. The mountain spirit
turned into a man.
Isaac: The angry kid turned into a happy kid.
Dad: So it wasn't just external changes... There were internal
changes too.
Lily: People changed their hearts.
Isaac: Rendi, the main kid, was really angry and he wanted to
leave the city. At the beginning
he only cared about himself.
Lily: But he changed.
By the end he even saved a lot of people from danger by grabbing this
girl's bracelet to make everyone chase him, drawing them away from danger.
Gracie: But we can't say what the danger is...
Lily: ...or else it will give the story away!
***And now for our chat with Grace Lin!
Grace Lin: Thank-you guys for the great movie you made for
"Where the Mountain Meets the Moon." That was amazing!
Everyone who has seen it is so impressed.
Grace Lin: I thought it was amazing. You could tell how much work you put into it. I really loved the shadow puppets. Isaac designed all of them?
Gracie: Well, Lily and I helped to design the characters, but
Isaac built all the puppets himself.
He has them all hanging up in his room now.
Grace Lin: I should get the publisher to hire you for new
trailers. It was so good. So thank-you very much!
Dad: I think we have a special bond with that book now - since
we delved into it for so long, crafting puppets and retelling your story. And after taking such a close look at
your work, it seemed like we knew you a little bit too, even though we'd
never met.
Grace Lin: So what did you guys think about the new book?
Gracie: It was sooo good!
Isaac: It was awesome.
Lily: Yeah!
Gracie: We enjoyed it so much.
Grace Lin: Oh good, I'm glad.
Dad: Who's got an interview question ready?
Isaac: Since you write your books and you illustrate them...
what do you like best about each of those things? What are their ups and downs?
Grace Lin: The part I dislike most about both of those things is
the same. I really, really don't
like writing a first draft. And I
really, really don't like making the first sketches either. That first "getting it all
out" is the hardest part for me.
The part I like best in both is the revising. Fixing the story is always fun to
me. And after the drawings are
done, painting them and adding the color is fun for me.
Gracie: Personally, I love to paint. And I love the way you paint.
Grace Lin: Oh thanks!
Gracie: How do you paint like that? It's so detailed and so pretty...
Grace Lin: Aw, thanks! That's a nice thing to say.
Lily: Yeah, how do you do that?
Grace Lin: It's just... "Time." It's just sitting there and painting one pattern over another pattern. And I think the way I paint is a little bit like how I write too. If you notice, there are stories within stories. Layers on layers. Pattern over pattern.
Lily: Yeah, how do you do that?
Grace Lin: It's just... "Time." It's just sitting there and painting one pattern over another pattern. And I think the way I paint is a little bit like how I write too. If you notice, there are stories within stories. Layers on layers. Pattern over pattern.
Gracie: I got your books "The Year of the Dog" and
"The Year of the Rat" for my birthday. I was wondering, are those books about you?
Grace Lin: Yes, they are very, very autobiographical.

Gracie: So you are from Taiwan?
Grace Lin: My parents were born in Taiwan, but I was born here in
the United States. All the things
that happen in those books, happened in real life. But a lot of things that might have taken place over the
course of two years, I squished into one year in the book. Or a lot of the stories that my mother
tells me in the books were really told to me by my aunt or my cousin. But I just said my mom told the stories
because I didn't want to add too many new characters.
Dad: Keeps it simpler.
Grace Lin: Yeah. So
it's not 100% true. But they are
actually all things that really happened.
Gracie: What about the stories the characters tell in Starry
River of the Sky? Did you make
those up, or did you have to do a lot of research to find them?
Grace Lin: Those stories are inspired by Chinese folktales. I added a lot of details to them, and
sometimes I made changes or switched things around.
Gracie: Why did you do that?
Grace Lin: Many of the folktales don't have a lot of details. So I saw the story in my head, and I
added the details to make it more interesting to myself. And also to tie the individual stories
in better with the rest of the book.
Lily: Why do you choose to use folktales?
Grace Lin: I enjoy researching Chinese folklore for my own personal
reasons. And I guess I think,
"Well since I'm researching, why don't I just use it in my books!"
Gracie: Cool.
Grace Lin: Since you've read "The Year of the Dog," you'll know that I grew up here in the United States. And I didn't know that much about my Chinese heritage. In fact I really didn't want to know too much. Nobody around me looked like me. Nobody else was Chinese. But when I grew older, I felt really sad that I knew so little, and I wanted to learn more. Since I'm a children's book author, I
like reading stories.
So one of the ways of learning about my heritage that was interesting to me was reading Chinese folktales and fairytales.

Grace Lin: I guess
writing all these books now is my way of trying to get back the things I missed
out on when I was younger.
Isaac: In Starry River, one of the characters says, "When people tell stories, they share things about themselves." So we were wondering what this book tells about you?
Grace Lin: The first
thing is one that you noticed -- all my stories are about Asian culture. So all my stories share how I'm
interested in my heritage now. But
specifically in Starry River of the Sky... I guess a lot of that book has to do
with finding peace and letting go of your anger. There were parts of my life when I felt really angry about
things. But there is a Chinese
proverb that says, "Holding onto anger is like holding onto a hot coal -
it only hurts yourself." That
is something I learned, and that is something I want to share.
Dad: And since she's shared that lesson through her story, we readers can have a chance to learn it too.
Dad: And since she's shared that lesson through her story, we readers can have a chance to learn it too.
Grace Lin: You guys might know... my first husband Robert unfortunately died of cancer. He was sick for a very, very long
time. When he first got sick, I
was really, really angry.
"Why is he sick?"
And then after a while I realized that... me, being angry that he's
sick, is just wasting energy. It's
just making my life very, very unhappy.
So I should let go of that anger and find peace, and that's how things
can be happier. I guess that's
what I was trying to share. That's
kind of what this book is about.
Lily: Are there going to be any more sequels to these two
Grace Lin: I think one more...
Dad: Gracie got a big smile when you said that!
Grace Lin: Ha ha...
Although I'm not exactly sure about it!
Lily: When you made the first book, did you know you were going
to make a more?

Dad: Uh oh.
Grace Lin: But I do know for the third one, I want it to deal with
water. Where the Mountain Meets
the Moon deals with the sky... the heavens. Starry River of the Sky deals with the earth... the
mountain. And I wanted the last
one to deal with the oceans or the seas.
That was the idea for doing a third one... although I still have to work
on what it's exactly going to be about.
Gracie: How did you feel when you got a Newbery Honor for
Mountain Meets the Moon? Did you
jump up and down and do a happy dance?
Grace Lin: I did actually!
It's every author's dream to win one of these big awards. But you don't even want to think about
it ahead of time because it's such a big deal and you don't want to jinx
yourself. So the night before they
announced the awards, all these people started saying, "I heard a lot of
buzz that your book might win something tomorrow." And I said, "Don't tell me! I
don't want to hear anymore!"
Gracie: Ha ha ha!
Grace Lin: My editor said, "I have to get up super early, like
five in the morning, for award day tomorrow." And I said, "Don't tell me! Don't tell me!" But of course I got it in my mind that
the awards would be announced at five in the morning. So the next morning at 5:00, I woke
up. No one is calling. And I thought, "Oh I didn't
win." Then 6:00. Nobody calls. "Oh, I didn't win... That's so sad...
Who cares... It doesn't
matter... Newbery
Kids: Ha ha ha ha...
Grace Lin: Then at 10:00 I got a phone call: "You got a
Newbery Honor!" I had
already gone into a whole circle of -- who cares, it's not a big deal. Then I had to go back -- Oh, I guess it
is a big deal! It was a really
exciting morning.
Lily: What's the best thing about making chapter books versus
the best thing about making picture books?
Grace Lin: One of the reasons I love writing chapter books is
because of things like this -- getting to talk to you, the actual readers of
the book. With picture books I do
sometimes get to talk to the readers, but usually they are very, very small -
very young - and they don't say as much.
Whereas the readers of chapter books have so much they want to talk
about and so many things they want to ask... I really, really enjoy that. I really like the readers'
feedback for chapter books. That's
why I love doing them.
Gracie: (sweetly) Awwww... We're the best thing about chapter
All: Laughter
Grace Lin: Yes, you are! Definitely!
Grace Lin: Yes, you are! Definitely!
Gracie: That's so sweet, thank-you!
Dad: Well thank-you for the conversation, Grace Lin!
Lily: It was nice meeting your voice!
Grace Lin: It was nice meeting you! I'm glad you like the book.
Gracie: Oh, we loved it.
chasing after Rendi, by Lily
WangYi visiting the Moon Lady, by Gracie
white tiger changing into a man, by Isaac
What a fabulous kick-off for the blog tour. Loved the interview and all the original art work :). Great job!
aww, I love these drawings! It was so fun talking with all of you! Thank you so much for the nice interview.
What a great interview. It actually seemed like I was sitting right there, listening the the family talking about the book. And, the questions helped me understand much more about the book-worked beautifully. Congratulations Grace Lin on your book tomorrow. I'm looking forward to reading it. And-it really sounds like a good read aloud, lots to talk about.
Great interview!
How fun!
I will definitely look for the book...
loved the drawings and interview. so fun!
Wonderful artwork and nice interview.
I will certainly look for this book for my grandkids...what a great post!
Love the illustrations. Might have to look for this one for the grandkids.
What a great interview! I loved all the questions and comments. So glad you enjoyed STARRY RIVER OF THE SKY!
This sounds like a great read.
I'm going to see if our library has it!
I enjoy finding new authors through this unique format of interviews.
The drawings are wonderful.
Thank you for linking.
I love the way you all did this interview!! I can't wait to read this book too. Lovely to hear all this from Grace Lin. I so agree with her about the problem of holding onto anger, and the grace of letting it go. (Grace... LOL)
This was a great interview! Thanks so much for sharing it!
This is terrific. I just shared it with a 4th grade teacher in my kids' school. Her class has been really into "Where the Mountain Meets the Moon" and now other books by Grace Lin. They're going to LOVE this!
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