This is our fifth batch of Audio Snippets... those memorable moments compiled from the recordings we make when reviewing books for Bookie Woogie. I think it will also be the final Audio Snippet post -- in the future, when worthy bits of audio review come along, I'll simply add them to this post here. So feel free to check back to this one from time to time...
If you've watched our video rendition of
"Where the Mountain Meets the Moon" and stayed for the credits, then you've heard this first one already. But it's worth another listen!
How fun! I love your site, it's just so joyous and enthusiastic about books...
What a great service for Mom's of kids!
I think I'm going to have to get a copy of "Ribbit, Rabbit" based solely on this clip! =>
That is so much fun.
What a unique post...thoughtful and FUN!
This was so much fun!
Great A post!
This made me giggle. I am quite impressed by your patience.
I love hearing the audio!
Wow. I couldn't even begin to do an audio file like this.
I'm impressed!
And entertained!
What a cute, cute link!
Thanks for sharing your amazing talents with us!
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