Wednesday, April 13, 2011

On the News!

A couple weeks ago, the Z-Kids were IN the news...  and now they've popped up ON the news!  Our local T.V. station ran a feature on Bookie Woogie last night, and the segment is now online.  Click below to see the kids talkin' and wigglin' and readin' some books:

And here's a teaser that ran on the morning news:

Some of the books you might have noticed on there:
• Flamingos on the Roof by Calef Brown
• Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich by Adam Rex
• The Wonder Book by Amy Krouse Rosenthal and Paul Schmid
• Chuckling Ducklings by Aaron Zenz
• Pssst! by Adam Rex
• Max Spaniel by David Catrow
• Knuckleheads by Joan Holub and Michael Slack

Thanks much to Tara Kuhnlein for the fun interview and nicely crafted news stories!


Heidi Noel said...

What a great honor. YOur dad looks tired, though. ;)

Paul Schmid said...

Hey Aaron, that is terrific! Neat to see some quick peeks at The Wonder Book.

Always thought you guys were cool, now the world knows it too.

More kids on kids books in the news:

Here's her YouTube channel:

Z-Kids said...

Thanks for the link Paul -- she's got great taste in literature!

Regarding the books that popped up in the news clips, you might find it fun to know that those were all books the kids picked out on their own. Out of all 3000+ books at their disposal, The Wonder Book (as well as the others seen) were the books the kids naturally reached for as the filming started.

- AZ

Unknown said...

Hey Guys,

I am doing the promo for the new Garfield graphic novels. Will you consider reviewing them for me?

Email me

Sue Soares

S said...

I LOVE your blog! It makes me want to read SO many more books!